
When exiting the program, save the context of all query windows, and then 
restore them upon restart. If the queries represented saved queries, then those 
saved queries would be re-opened. If they queries were not saved, then they 
would be saved in a local file and then restored when the program reopened. I 
tend to keep several query windows open, often with ad hoc queries the I do not 
save. But if the program becomes unstable, It would not be necessary to save 
the results pane, just the command pane. I would like to be able to close and 
reopen the program and then continue from where I left off. While this is an OS 
X concept, it would be a great thing for pgAdmin4 to do across all platforms. 
It would be a bonus if this worked even if the program bombed. There may be 
other windows where this would make sense as well, but I’m not aware of them.



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