On 19.5.2017 16:24, rich...@xentu.com wrote:
On 2017-05-19 15:13, Michal Kozusznik wrote:
It means you don't have to switch into pgAdmin4 just because you are
using recent version of database.
pgAdmin3 v1.22.2 supports pg9.6 (at least it doesn't throw exceptions
for common tasks)

On 19.5.2017 15:45, rich...@xentu.com wrote:
On 2017-05-19 14:20, Adam Brusselback wrote:
I seriously may go back to PostgreSQL 9.3 so that I can use pgAdmin
III until I can wean myself off the tool.
 You don't have to revert your database version to use pgadmin III,
the newest release works fine with Postgres 9.6, and there is also the
BigSQL fork of pgadmin III which as far as I know will continue to
support new releases.

Could anyone clarify this for me?

PostgreSQL & pgadmin are distinct projects right?

I installed pgadmin 4 on a windows machine earlier this week and, leaving aside the fact that I dislike it, the installation worked. Today I tried to find out how to install pgadmin 4 on a Linux machine and I could only find installation methods that seemed to install all of postgresql, both server & client application. Is this just my misunderstanding of what's available?

So are the two independent?

Yes, to some extent. Means, application is standalone and is even distributed separately from server. But subsequent versions might depend on some specific server features. For example pgAdmin3 1.20 throws some errors while connecting do pg9.6 while 1.22 works fine.

Can one install pgadmin4 on without installing the server? If so, could you advise on how to do that on Ubuntu? And, more importantly, can the latest server install be done without installing pgadmin4?

Cannot help with pgA4. A - I cannot use that, B - I'm on desktop, really doesn't care what is installed on server side, C - I'm Windows user. But you should be able to install pgA3 next to pgA4. Or the existence of pgA4 is the case?


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