"Here in CAIXA bank we use PostgreSQL in mission-critical financial
environments because it has the quality to support our operations," said
Clarice Coppetti, IT Vice President, CAIXA Bank, Brazil. "The new version
shows that PostgreSQL is improving rapidly to keep meeting our business

About PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL is the leading open source database system,
with a global community of thousands of users and contributors and dozens
of companies and organizations. The PostgreSQL Project has over 20 years of
engineering, starting at the University of California, Berkeley, and an
unmatched pace of development today. PostgreSQL's mature feature set not
only matches top proprietary database systems, but exceeds them in advanced
database features, extensibility, security and stability. Learn more about
PostgreSQL and participate in our community at

Em 17 de outubro de 2012 01:29, Antonio Cesar <>escreveu:

> Boa noite.
> Preciso de uma pequena ajuda dos Sr da lista, tenho um cliente ameaçando
> remover meu software por causa do TI da empresa que insiste em informa que
> a capacidade do PostGreSQL
> limita-se a 4GB. Sei que não é verdade mas preciso apresenta uma lista de
> empresa que usa o postgresql para que o mesmo possa confirmar.
> Será que alguem pode me ajudar nessa tarefa por favor?
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