Dear Denis,

you are absolutely right, multi-axis support is lacking a suitable 

A modification of this sort has been planned a long time ago... although 
it has not been started yet.

Thanks for the clarification on the keys which should be respected.

If you feel comfortable (enough) to experiment a bit, you could try to 
create a doubleaxis environment (or even some multiaxis environment)?

It might be a little bit simpler, though, if you would reuse the 
existing axis environment... perhaps like

\begin{axis}[multiaxis position=left, ...]

\begin{axis}[multiaxis position=right, ...]

otherwise you would need to replicate almost every key...

or perhaps using

\begin{multiaxis}[first axis/.style={xlabel=...}, second 
axis/.style={xlabel=....}, multiaxis style=leftright]

\addplot {x2};
\addplot {3*x};

I might not be able to address this issue in the next weeks, perhaps not 
before next year.

If you want to, you can try to experiment a bit - perhaps you can come 
up with a solution which addresses the most important requirements.

Best regards


Am 14.11.2012 09:43, schrieb Denis Bitouzé:
> Le mercredi 14/11/12 à 09h12,
> Denis Bitouzé<>  a écrit :
>> where:
>>    1. the:
>>        * \pgfplotsset{set layers}
>>        * scale only axis
>>        * xmin=..., xmax=...,
>>        * axis y line*=left
>>        * axis y line*=right
>>        * axis x line=none
>>      would be hidden in the doubleaxis definition,
>>    2. the first addplot would be the left one and the second, the right
>>    one,
>>    3. the comma separated list in the \legend command's argument
>> applies successively to the two \addplot.
>    4. the colours of the two plots are given by the color cycle list.

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