Hi All,

I'm using \tikzexternalize option of pgfplots and I have \addplot gnuplot
in my code which generates a table and I use the table command for showing
the errorbars of the plot, however, I explicitly provide the name of the
table file created by gnuplot. But with \tikzexternalize the figure# is
also appended to the name of the generated table file so how can I input
that into the name of the table file I provide? because if the figure
number is changed I have to go and manually change that name but there
should be a way that pgfplots take care of it, is there any trick to that?

the table file name is : jobname.pgf-plots.figure1.table

How can I replace figure1 part which can adapt itself if I add a figure
before that and it becomes figure2? right now I have to go into the code
and change it to figure2 manually.

I appreciate any help.

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