
I am proud to announce the release of pgfplots 1.14 on CTAN and 
sourceforge. It will be available in TeX package manages within the next 

Kind regards


- new feature: 'contour filled' (compat=1.14)
- new feature: building colormaps from other colormaps (see "Building 
Colormaps based on other Colormaps" in the manual)
- new feature: non-uniform colormaps (compat=1.14)
- new feature: colormaps defined on position of arbitrary magnitude
- new feature: colorbar as legend
- new feature: 'colorbar style={xtick=data}' positions tick labels at 
colormap positions
- fixed bug: pgfplots now handles incompatible changes of luatex
      loading \usepackage{pgfplots} _before_ pgf also allows makes older
      PGF versions compatible with luatex
- fixed bug: incompatibility between units + groupplots (bug 119)
- fixed bug: 'axis line shift' did not respect labels
- fixed bug: layers for axis lines were not respected
- fixed bug: two axes with fillbetween in the same picture failed due to 
clip paths on layers
- fixed bug: quiver plots with 'every arrow' failed to evaluate arrow 
tip length arguments
- fixed bug: \usepgfplotslibrary{colorbrewer}: colormap 'PuOr' was 
defined in reverse order

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