
Here are the db and pgpool logs at the time of failure. (Pgpool finds
the prepared statement S-4 on one server but fails to find one on the
other server. As a result pgpool exits the child with Kind mis-match
error) Let us know if this helps or you need further information.

Db log on master:

2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [13934]: [165-1] LOG:  duration: 0.054 ms
statement:  RESET ALL
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [13934]: [166-1] LOG:  duration: 0.021 ms
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [13934]: [167-1] LOG:  duration: 0.025 ms
statement: DEALLOCATE "S_1"
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [13934]: [168-1] LOG:  duration: 0.014 ms
statement: DEALLOCATE "S_4"
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [13934]: [169-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on
client connection
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [13934]: [170-1] LOG:  disconnection: session
time: 1:12:54.620 user=aaaa database=test host=xx.xx.xx.xx port=53261

Db log on slave:

2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [8827]: [9-1] LOG:  duration: 0.037 ms
statement:  RESET ALL
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [8827]: [10-1] LOG:  duration: 0.034 ms
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [2838]: [192-1] LOG:  duration: 0.042 ms
statement:  RESET ALL
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [2838]: [193-1] LOG:  duration: 0.030 ms
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [2838]: [194-1] LOG:  duration: 0.028 ms
statement: DEALLOCATE "S_1"
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [2838]: [195-1] ERROR:  prepared statement
"S_4" does not exist
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [2838]: [196-1] STATEMENT:  DEALLOCATE "S_4"
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [2838]: [197-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client
2009-03-23 09:49:42 PDT [2838]: [198-1] LOG:  disconnection: session
time: 1:12:54.619 user=aaaa database=test host=xx.xx.xx.zz port=52815

pgpool logs:
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: statement2: DEALLOCATE "S_1"
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: SimpleQuery: set master_slave_dml
query: DEALLOCATE "S_1"
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: waiting for backend 0 completing the query
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: waiting for backend 1 completing the query
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: read_kind_from_backend: read kind
from 0 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 2
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: read_kind_from_backend: read kind
from 1 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 2
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: pool_process_query: kind from backend: C
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: read_kind_from_backend: read kind
from 0 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 2
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: read_kind_from_backend: read kind
from 1 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 2
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: pool_process_query: kind from backend: Z
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0 length: 5
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1 length: 5
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: statement2: DEALLOCATE "S_4"
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: SimpleQuery: set master_slave_dml
query: DEALLOCATE "S_4"
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: waiting for backend 0 completing the query
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: waiting for backend 1 completing the query
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: read_kind_from_backend: read kind
from 0 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 2
2009-03-23 09:49:42 DEBUG: pid 1218: read_kind_from_backend: read kind
from 1 th backend E NUM_BACKENDS: 2
2009-03-23 09:49:42 ERROR: pid 1218: pool_process_query: 1 th kind E
does not match with master connection kind C


On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 6:12 AM, Tatsuo Ishii <is...@sraoss.co.jp> wrote:
>> All
>> We are facing problem with pgpool where the java application fails in
>> certain situation I/o problem.
>> When we see these problem we see in the db logs error statement like:
>> "ERROR:  prepared statement "S_3" does not exist".
>> "LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection"
>> We get the following log output in the pgpool log files:
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: detect_error: kind: C
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: do_command: kind: C
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: do_command: kind: Z
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: pool_read_message_length: slot:
>> 0 length: 5
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: pool_read_message_length: slot:
>> 1 length: 5
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: statement2: DEALLOCATE "S_3"
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: SimpleQuery: set
>> master_slave_dml query: DEALLOCATE "S_3"
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: do_command: Query: BEGIN
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: detect_error: kind: C
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: do_command: kind: C
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: do_command: kind: Z
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: do_command: transaction state: T
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: do_command: Query: BEGIN
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: detect_error: kind: C
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: do_command: kind: C
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: do_command: kind: Z
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: do_command: transaction state: T
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: waiting for backend 0 completing the 
>> query
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: detect_error: kind: C
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: detect_error: kind: C
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: detect_error: kind: C
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: waiting for backend 1 completing the 
>> query
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: read_kind_from_backend: read
>> kind from 0 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 2
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 DEBUG: pid 27834: read_kind_from_backend: read
>> kind from 1 th backend E NUM_BACKENDS: 2
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 ERROR: pid 27834: read_kind_from_backend: 1 th
>> kind E does not match with master or majority connection k
>> ind C
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:56 ERROR: pid 27834: kind mismatch among backends.
>> Possible last query was: "DEALLOCATE "S_3"" kind details
>> are: 0[C] 1[E]
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:58 DEBUG: pid 27834: I am 27834 accept fd 5
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:58 DEBUG: pid 27834: Protocol Major: 3 Minor: 0
>> database: rpt_production user: chakra
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:58 DEBUG: pid 27834: new_connection: connecting 0 backend
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:58 DEBUG: pid 27834: new_connection: connecting 1 backend
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:58 DEBUG: pid 27834: pool_read_message_length: slot:
>> 0 length: 8
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:58 DEBUG: pid 27834: pool_read_message_length: slot:
>> 1 length: 8
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:58 DEBUG: pid 27834: pool_read_message_length2:
>> master slot: 0 length: 28
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:58 DEBUG: pid 27834: pool_read_message_length2:
>> master slot: 1 length: 28
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:58 DEBUG: pid 27834: 0 th backend: name:
>> client_encoding value: UNICODE
>> 2009-03-17 12:24:58 DEBUG: pid 27834: 1 th backend: name:
>> client_encoding value: UNICODE
>> Why does pgpool try to DEALLOCATE a prepare statement on both the
>> database servers, when pgpool is set in Matser/slave mode. Can any
>> body high light how this issue can be solved. Will really appreciate
>> your inputs in this.
> Even if you are in master/slave mode, you need to send prepare to both
> nodes for BEGIN statement. That's the reason why DEALLOCATE has been
> sent to both nodes.
> BTW, can you send us PostgreSQL log with statement logging enabled? It
> will help to investigate why you are seeing error regarding S_3.
> --
> Tatsuo Ishii
> SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
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