> "The procedure to update standby PostgreSQL servers are same as the one
> of replication mode. Please refer to "Online recovery with Streaming
> Replication" to set up recovery_1st_stage_command and
> recovery_2nd_stage_command."
> There is no section "Online recovery with Streaming Replication".
> Anybody have a few examples of setup?  I'm trying to figure out which
> commands would go in 1st stage recovery vs. 2nd stage.  Also, where do
> these commands get run?  On the current replication master, like they
> were in 3.0?

Really? I found "<h4>Online recovery with Streaming Replication</h4>"
in both
http://pgpool.projects.postgresql.org/pgpool-II/doc/pgpool-en.html and
pgpool-en.html coming the 3.1 source code.
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
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