
NOTICE:  --Relation ip--
NOTICE:  Pages 4244: Changed 1, reaped 13, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 665627: Vac
32, Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 594, MinLen 48, MaxLen 48; Re-using:
Free/Avail. Space 33168/26016; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/12. CPU 0.32s/2.26u
NOTICE:  Index ip_ip: Pages 3204; Tuples 665627: Deleted 13. CPU
0.20s/0.80u sec.
NOTICE:  Index ip_id: Pages 1499; Tuples 665627: Deleted 13. CPU
0.04s/0.81u sec.
NOTICE:  Rel ip: Pages: 4244 --> 4240; Tuple(s) moved: 13. CPU 0.00s/0.00u
NOTICE:  Index ip_ip: Pages 3204; Tuples 665627: Deleted 13. CPU
0.19s/0.79u sec.
NOTICE:  Index ip_id: Pages 1499; Tuples 665627: Deleted 13. CPU
0.09s/0.74u sec.
NOTICE:  FlushRelationBuffers(ip, 4240): block 4242 is referenced (private
0, global 1)
FATAL 1:  VACUUM (vc_repair_frag): FlushRelationBuffers returned -2
pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
        This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.

This happen again today,
urldb=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 7.0.0 on i386-unknown-freebsdelf3.4, compiled by gcc

Dose later version such as 7.0.3 resolved this problem??

if so, which version I should install? 


St. Bernard Software

10350 Science Center Drive
Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92121


On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Tom Lane wrote:

> Jie Liang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > NOTICE:  FlushRelationBuffers(ip, 4223): block 4365 is referenced (private
> > 0, global 8)
> > FATAL 1:  VACUUM (vc_vacheap): FlushRelationBuffers returned -2
> Try restarting your postmaster.
>                       regards, tom lane
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> subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
> message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

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