Hello *,

we started the use of temporary tables for evaluating data.

create temp table xxx ....


drop temp table xxx;

We encountered some strange errors about relation exists or even does not 
exist from server and application site. I started to look after orphan temp 
tables. No orphans were left but I found namespace entries in pg_namespace.

 select * from pg_namespace;
  nspname   | nspowner | nspacl 
 pg_catalog |        1 | {=U}
 pg_toast   |        1 | {=}
 public     |        1 | {=UC}
 pg_temp_1  |        1 | 
 pg_temp_8  |        1 | 
 pg_temp_11 |        1 | 
 pg_temp_10 |        1 | 
 pg_temp_6  |        1 | 
 pg_temp_4  |        1 | 
 pg_temp_3  |        1 | 
 pg_temp_14 |        1 | 
 pg_temp_2  |        1 | 
 pg_temp_5  |        1 | 
 pg_temp_12 |        1 | 
(14 rows)

I did a vacuum full and analyze but this pg_temp namespaces are still there. 
Any ideas about that phenomena ?

best regards

-Andreas Schmitz

Andreas Schmitz - Phone +49 201 8501 318
Cityweb-Technik-Service-Gesellschaft mbH
Friedrichstr. 12 - Fax +49 201 8501 104
45128 Essen - email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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