
At 10:25 07.08.2003 +0200, Bruno BAGUETTE wrote:
"Marco Roda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote ..
> Hi,
> I need to port data from an Oracle 8.0 base to PostgreSQL 7.2. I have
> scripts to create the base on Oracle and PostgreSQL (it is about 40
> tables), but I need to port a great amount of data to PostgreSQL.
> Can anybody help me?

I never see any documents about migrating from Oracle8 to PostgreSQL,
but I've already done this kind of migration, here's my warrior's way :

- Make a SQL dump of the tables (structure + constraints + sequences +
data), and try to add this dump file into a PostgreSQL database (via
psql). You will probably need to do  several search and replaces in the
SQL code in order to get it PostgreSQL compliant. But as PostgreSQL try
to follow the SQL norm, it shouldn't be very difficult.

I have good experiences with:



---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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