See my other reply, but the problem was that I had a foreign key
constraint between an integer and varchar. (The column was a varchar and
the foreign key was an integer field).  Seems to me postgres shouldn't
have allowed me to do this at all, but I guess it did a slow automatic
type conversion.  So, reindexing was deathly slow.  It also explains the
fact that inserts into this table were getting increasingly slow as the
table grew.

I manually changed the type in the dump and restoring takes about 20
minutes instead of 12 hours!  Phew!


On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Tom Lane wrote:

> Yuji Shinozaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Then the problem is that
> > reindexing takes a very long time. One particular index is taking on the
> > order of 12 hours to finish.
> Seems like a lot.  What is the index definition exactly, and how many
> rows in the table?  If it's a btree, have you tried increasing sort_mem
> in the restore session?
>                       regards, tom lane

Yuji Shinozaki                          Computer Systems Senior Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Advanced Technologies Group
(434)924-7171                           Information Technology & Communication    University of Virginia

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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