have a look at bytea



On Friday 05 September 2003 12:41, Somasekhar Bangalore wrote:
> Hi ,
> I would like to create a table with blob as a datatype.I found that
> postgres doesn't have a datatype called BLOB. Is there any equivalent data
> type for this or a short cut ?
> I appreciate if some one can help me in this regard.
> Thank you all,
> Regards,
> Somasekhar Bangalore
> Principal Software Engineer
> ZenSutra Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
> Suite 601, HM Geneva House
> #14, Cunningham Road
> Bangalore 560-052, India
> Ph:+91-80-235-0481
> Fax:+91-80-235-0486
> Weaving the knowledge tapestry'

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