
There are a variety of answers for a variety of operating systems.

On Linux add the PostgreSQL lib directory to /etc/ and run
"ldconfig" as root or add the lib directory to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable.  I prefer the 1st fix.

On Solaris 8 or later run as root "crle -u -l /path/to/pgsql/lib" which
is the same as the ldconfig option in Linux.  Alternatively, use the
same LD_LIBRARY_PATH solution as above which, by the way, this will
work in HP-UX and AIX though using different environment variables
LIBPATH and SHLIB_PATH, respectively.


Kris Kiger wrote:
I have written a variation of one of the libpq C functions provided with postgres. It compiles just fine, but when I try to execute the program it reports the following error:

./a.out: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I have checked my system and the exists and all of its dependancies are linked. Just curious if anyone has any ideas. Thanks


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Greg Spiegelberg
 Sr. Product Development Engineer
 Cranel, Incorporated.
 Phone: 614.318.4314
 Fax:   614.431.8388
Cranel. Technology. Integrity. Focus.

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