> Realy no.But I have many instalations with this version and the same
> config. And all this is working well for long periode.
> The problem is that the corrupted was the biggest one.

The good thing about PC hardware is that it is "same same but different". The 
same hardware (board,cpu etc.) might behave different (chip rev. etc). I 
suggest you move the database for testing to another machine.  Try to 
reproduce the problem there. 



PS: FYI ext3 is an ext2 filesystem with journaling enabled (man tunefs)

Andreas Schmitz - Phone +49 201 8501 318
Cityweb-Technik-Service-Gesellschaft mbH
Friedrichstr. 12 - Fax +49 201 8501 104
45128 Essen - email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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