
I am currently evaluating PolyServe Matrix Server which is a clustering
solution including a clustered file system (mounted read-write

Anything special anyone wants to know?  I'm using PostgreSQL 7.4.2 in
a Linux cluster.


Robert Treat wrote:
On Thu, 2004-05-20 at 14:30, Kris Kiger wrote:

Has anyone heard of clusgres or, better yet, had any experience with it? I came across it while searching for active clustering projects.

Thanks in advance for the info!

I have heard of it but I've not heard of any reports on these lists of
how well it works. If you (or anyone else) gives it a spin please try to
post an account to the list and/or if you send me the info it could
probably make its way on to techdocs.

Robert Treat

Greg Spiegelberg
 Product Development Manager
 Cranel, Incorporated.
 Phone: 614.318.4314
 Fax:   614.431.8388
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