On Monday 20 September 2004 12:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've been looking into configuring Postgres for a small/medium sized group
> of users for a local computer science society.  We want to give each user
> their own database, and have it administratable via the Usermin web
> interface (some people will be fairly green, and we felt Usermin gives a
> decent gui to get your legs in postgres (as well as other things the
> society is going to offer.))  Now, the problem is, Usermin has to be
> configured to connect to the template1 database by default (or some other
> database,) and we want the user to connect to use the database with the
> same name as their user account name.
> I am thinking of simply allowing users to connect the template1 database
> and the database with their name.  Would this be adequate, or will I have
> to make sure that only the postgres user can edit the template1 database? 
> I want to make sure the normal users cannot edit the template1 database.

I usually hate posts like this, but I am pretty sure phppgadmin will do what 
you want. 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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