Am Freitag, 4. August 2006 17:57 schrieb Rodolfo Borges:
> $psql -U jabberd2 jabberd2
> psql: FATAL:  IDENT authentication failed for user "jabberd2"

You need to read up on configuring the client authentication.  If you don't 
have root access, ident is probably not a good choice.  In particular ...

> I also tried appending a -W argument to that command.
> It asked for the password, I gave the password from the createuser
> command, and the same error ocurred.

... if you expect to use password authentication, you need to change the 
client authentication mechanism away from ident and toward passwords.

Peter Eisentraut

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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