j n wrote:
> can any1 point me to some tutorial what is needed to run localization
> support ...

There isn't much to tutor about.  You pretty much have everything 
figured out.

> than creating data directory
> initdb --locale=sk_SK.utf8 /usr/local/pgsql/dataSK
> creating database :
> createdb doctorko -U doctorko -E UTF8

This looks correct.

> SHOW LC_COLLATE give output sk_SK

If you initialized with locale sk_SK.utf8 but lc_collate shows sk_SK, 
then something went wrong.

> so everythink look ok but order still not working ...

Check if the order is consistent with what you get with the "sort" 
command from the shell.  If that doesn't help, show us the data.

Peter Eisentraut

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