Erika Terahata Torres Prada e Silva - MPS wrote:
> But it's not correct to my language pt_BR and it worked correctly
> with PostgreSQL at Windows and FreeBSD. I have this problem only with
> Debian and now I'm looking for some Debian related issue.

String ordering is determined by national and international standards.  
In your case, glibc seems to think that ISO 14651 applies.  If you 
think differently, complain to glibc, or work on changing the standard, 
or define your own locale.  I wouldn't know why Windows and FreeBSD 
operate differently (I have some idea, but I won't spread rumours).  
But unless they have a more substantial reason than "We thought this 
looks reasonable", I'd rather go with the public standard.

For that matter, you have not told what you consider the "correct" 
ordering in your example, nor have you proposed a computation rule to 
get there.  But in the overall scheme of things, first normal form will 
cooperate better with established sorting rules (for any data type), 
and vice versa.

Peter Eisentraut

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