Thomas Papke wrote:
> 1. i am running a large postgres 8.1.4 database in production. What
> is a good and safe way for an minor update to 8.1.8 (less downdown
> and possible jump back option)?

Using binary packages, install the new one over the old one, and if you 
don't like it, install the old one over the new one.

> How riskful is an minor update for the data files?

Not riskful.

> 2. i am using two dualcore opterons with 8GB memory - if i am using
> the CFLAGS="-O2" option for compile optimization --> is there any
> real performance boost?

I don't think anyone has ever seriously considered building with 
anything less than -O2 for anything but debugging purposes or coping 
with buggy compilers on rare architectures.  In other words, there 
isn't any good reason not to do it.

Peter Eisentraut

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