On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Rob Richardson

> I wanted to try using the ODBC driver for PostgreSQL 8.4.  But when I
> installed it, I was surprised and dismayed to see that the old driver no
> longer appeared in the list of available drivers when I tried to create a
> new DSN.  At first, I thought that the new driver was working, but any
> update query gave me a "multiple-step operation raised errors.  See error
> list" error.

is this a 64bit machine? if so, you will need to run the 32bit odbc manager
in order to find the pgodbc driver.

> Is it possible to have the 8.1 and 8.4 ODBC drivers available at the same
> time?  If so, how do I install the 8.4 driver so that the 8.1 driver is
> still available?
> Thanks very much!
> RobR

David Bear
College of Public Programs at ASU

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