Tom Lane ha scritto:
"Kevin Grittner" <> writes:
Silvio Brandani <> wrote:
we have develop a script to execute the vacuum full on all tables
of our very big database , since it is a 24 x 7 available system
we have not a timeframe to exec the vacuum full.
so we try with this script running the vauum full table by table
and if the vacuum generate the waiting status for other
connections we kill the vacuum .
[ and get ]
2010-11-03 14:25:27 CET [19324]: [6-1] PANIC:  cannot abort
transaction 75073917, it was already committed

What version of PostgreSQL is this?

Anything pre-9.0 might do that; it's one of the known problems with the
old VACUUM FULL implementation that made us decide to get rid of it.

However, versions that are less than about a year old do have a hack
that should avoid the PANIC for a query-cancel interrupt ... at the
cost of ignoring the cancel interrupt, so that's not all that helpful
a solution here.
Is it possible to softly kill a vacuum process without risk a
panic ?????
Normally, yes.  VACUUM FULL is more prone to problems than a normal
vacuum, especially if you are using an old version.  There are very
few circumstances where VACUUM FULL is the right thing to use.

Indeed.  If you think you need to use VACUUM FULL on a routine basis,
rethink that.

                        regards, tom lane

We were running vacuum full because of a lot of IO problems , so we try this way to reorganize tables....

should be better thane normal vacuum or you think the benefits of running vacuum full are not so good to run it and a normal vacuum analyze is enough ???


Silvio Brandani


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