table is 959818 records,

I create a copy of the table with create tabase as select ... and then indexed, the new table use the indexes ...


Il 18/11/2011 15.19, Szymon Guz ha scritto:

2011/11/18 Silvio Brandani < <>>

    On postgres 8.3.11 on linux centos 5 we have a table  not too big
     with primary key index on

       "aida_references_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (aida_reference_id)

    the query not use index:

    aidadb=#  explain analyze select aida_reference_id from
    aida.aida_references where aida_reference_id = '3145';
                                                      QUERY PLAN
     Seq Scan on aida_references  (cost=0.00..51489.15 rows=1 width=4)
    (actual time=0.173..1457.643 rows=1 loops=1)
      Filter: (aida_reference_id = 3145)
     Total runtime: 1457.696 ms

    already executed the vacuum ,reindex.

    Please help

-- Silvio Brandani

Hi Silvio,
how many rows do you have in the table?
Usually PostgreSQL doesn't want to use index when the table is small.



Silvio Brandani
Infrastructure Administrator
SDB Information Technology
Phone: +39.055.3811222
Fax:   +39.055.5201119


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