
I'm running the package 9.0.7 from enterprisedb and have some problems
getting the pam module to work on debian.

pam basically works - i just configured a more secure password policy.

the enterprisedb package has pam support included. at least i see with ldd
that i knows the pam library.

the postgres service is named postgres so i created a file
/etc/pam.d/postgres and added the lines

      auth       required     pam_stack.so service=system-auth
      account    required     pam_stack.so service=system-auth

i found in another mail thread.
I also tried to copy files from other predefined services like sudo or

the error is always:
root:/etc/pam.d# psql -U testuser postgres
psql.bin: FATAL:  PAM authentication failed for user "testuser"

the line in pg_hba.conf is
# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            CIDR-ADDRESS            METHOD
local   postgres             testuser

any idea what's wrong here?
or does anybody have a good how-to?


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