2ndQuadrant today announced the release of BDR 1.0.5.
[https://www.2ndquadrant.com/en/resources/bdr/] BDR is the first open
source multi-master replication system for PostgreSQL to reach full
production status. This release includes the updated PostgreSQL server
version to support the Postgres-BDR 9.4.17 extension, containing all
of the fixes from the PostgreSQL 9.4.17 release.

The fixes and improvements included in this release are:
- Work around a core postgres reorderbuffer corruption bug with a
change in the BDR output plugin.
- Ignore column-count mismatches if the mismatched columns are all
nullable or dropped. This makes recovery from some kinds of operator
errors simpler, and with sufficient care can be used to bypass DDL
locking for adding new nullable columns to tables.
- Fix possible deadlock in the apply worker in the find_pkey_tuple() function
- Stricter memory context handling and leak prevention during apply.
In particular be careful not to fall back to TopMemoryContext. This
may help some possible memory leak issues.
- Reset the apply worker memory context on every commit, not just when
all messages have been consumed. May help with some possible memory
leak issues.
- Skip BDR 1.0.4 and bump the version straight to 1.0.5 to match BDR2.

Download and installation instructions are available here:

2ndQuadrant (Developers of Postgres-BDR) provides support as well as
consultation and training for Postgres-BDR. With deep knowledge of
distributed databases in PostgreSQL, 2ndQuadrant will evaluate
individual use cases and determine the most suitable product or

Postgres-BDR is also available and supported by 2ndQuadrant in the Cloud.

For more information, please send an email to i...@2ndquadrant.com

Monica Real Amores
Marketing & Sales

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