Hello All,

We're happy to announce the release of v1.2 of pgmetrics. This release includes:

* Collect and report pg_stat_statements information
* Options to include/exclude tables and schema
* Options to skip collection of specified object types
* Collect notification queue usage
* FreeBSD port (thanks to Palle Girgensohn)
* Improved text report output
* Display size and bloat for indexes also
* More documentation
* Bug fixes

You can get the latest release from GitHub [1].

Thanks to all the people who pitched in with bug reports, suggestions and
patches! Keep it coming!

About pgmetrics

pgmetrics is an open-source, zero-dependency, single-binary tool that can
collect a lot of information and statistics from a running PostgreSQL server
and display it in easy-to-read text format or export it as JSON for scripting.

Learn more at https://pgmetrics.io/, or see a sample report here [2].

pgmetrics is an open-source project of RapidLoop [3].

[1] https://github.com/rapidloop/pgmetrics/releases
[2] https://pgmetrics.io/docs/index.html#example
[3] https://www.rapidloop.com


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