postgresql-unit 2.0 released

Changes since 1.0:

  * Support IEC binary prefixes for byte.
  * Support United States customary units: in, ft, yd, mi, oz, lb.
  * Add variance and stddev aggregates; bump extension version to 2.
  * Use float8out_internal to format floats on output.

New features screenshot

# SET unit.byte_output_iec = on;
# SELECT '4 TB'::unit AS disk_sold_as_4tb;
 3.63797880709171 TiB

# SELECT '500 mi'::unit AS walk_500_miles;
 804.672 km

About postgresql-unit

postgresql-unit implements a PostgreSQL datatype for SI units, plus
byte. The base units can be combined to named and unnamed derived
units using operators defined in the PostgreSQL type system. SI
prefixes are used for input and output, and quantities can be
converted to arbitrary scale. Byte quantities can also use IEC binary
prefixes for input and output.

Some non-SI units are supported, namely coherent derived units such as
newton and joule, non-coherent units such as hours  and litres, and
assorted United States customary units such as inch and mile.

Requires PostgreSQL 9.4 or later (uses psprintf()), flex, and bison 3
(the pre-built grammar files are used if only bison 2 is available).


Packages are available via Debian unstable/testing,, and

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