On Thu, 14 Apr 2005, Xavier Maysonnave wrote:

> postgresql-8.0-311.jdbc3.jar
> While analysing the index structures of a metadata table with the 
> following statement :
> ResultSet parts = dbMeta.getIndexInfo("aCatalog", "aMetaSchema", 
> "aTable", false, false);
> ...
> if (parts != null) {
>     try {
>         while (parts.next()) {          
>             String indexName = parts.getString(6);
>             String columnName = parts.getString(9);
>             short position= parts.getShort(8);
>             String direction = parts.getString(10);
>             boolean unique  = parts.getBoolean(4);    
>         }
>     } finally {
>         parts.close();
>     }
> }
> While controling the result with pgadmin III it appears that :
> - Unique Index have a returned boolean unique set to false :
>     - this value should apply to Non Unique Index
> - Non Unique Index have a returned boolean unique set to true :
>     - this value should apply to Unique Index

If you check the javadoc for getIndexInfo you will see column four is 
actually "NON_UNIQUE" not unique.

Kris Jurka

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