On Sat, 18 Aug 2007, Otto Weichselbaum wrote:

While using views calling functions on INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE via
according rules, I noticed an inconsistent behaviour of the
JDBC-interface of postgres;
 an INSERT-, UPDATE- or DELETE-statement producing tuples as return-value
(in our case through rules calling functions but although via the
'RETURNING'-clause of a single INSERT- or UPDATE-statement) is returning
the expected number of tuples when called via the console (even through
pgAdmin) or via ODBC
when called via JDBC only an 'UpdateCount' of 0 is returned;
debugging to protocol-level showed, that the postgreSQL-server does not
even differ between a 'simple' UPDATE or one returning tuples;

I believe this differing results you are seeing is based upon whether the query is executed using the simple or extended query protocol. The JDBC driver always uses extended query protocol when speaking to a V3 protocol capable server. Another workaround you can use is adding ?protocolVersion=2 to your URL to make it use the V2 protocol and simple query execution.

It works with the simple query protocol because you send the server a query and then loop retrieving any number of results that are returned. The extended query protocol is designed around single query gives a single result, so it isn't really prepared to handle the update count and results at the same time.

Kris Jurka
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