On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 8:38 AM,  <kn...@ipa.fraunhofer.de> wrote:
> The following bug has been logged on the website:
> Bug reference:      6400
> Logged by:          Sandra Knoch
> Email address:      kn...@ipa.fraunhofer.de
> PostgreSQL version: 9.0.6
> Operating system:   Windows Server 2007 SP2
> Description:
> I have a strange problem regarding functions with parameters. The parameters
> are not accepted and I always get the error column "user" does not exist,
> where user is the parameter name and not a column. The function looks like
> this:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tissue.insert_biopsy_data
> (
>  "user"          integer,
>  in_date         date,
>  in_description  varchar,
>  in_weight       numeric,
>  in_size         numeric
> )
> RETURNS integer AS
> $$
> declare
> result integer;
> begin
>  INSERT INTO tissue.biopsy (id_biopsy, f_user,introduction_date,
> description, weight, size)
>  (
>  user,
>  in_date,
>  in_description,
>  in_weight,
>  in_size
>  );
>  SELECT id_biopsy FROM tissue.biopsy INTO result;
>  Return result;
> end
> $$
> LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
> COST 100;
> It works with my old PostgreSQL 8.4 version, but not with the new one. What
> is the problem here? Why is the argument not recognized as argument but as a
> column name? Thank you for any help!

There were some changes in the way variable references are resolved in
PL/pgsql in version 9.0; unfortunately, you seem to have run across
one of the cases where the new behavior requires more quoting than the
old one did.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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