<tatyp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My postgresql does not start and giving me this error:
> Could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
> Is the server running on host ** and accepting TCP/IP
> connections on port 5432?
That message looks like it is coming from some client software on an
attempt to connect to a PostgreSQL server; not from the server
> I delete the file postmaster.pid  and did not work.
Are you quite sure the PostgreSQL service was not running?  (How did
you check?)  The pid file should be deleted automatically when the
service is stopped.  Deleting it while the service is running can
cause problems if you later try to start the service.
> I change the way to start the service in services to a Local
> Systems and not work.
I can't do much with information that vague.
> Please any suggestions on how I can solve this problem.
You need to provide a clearer description of what your problem is
before anyone can make useful suggestions.
So far all we know from your description is that a client wasn't
able to connect to the service, and you subsequently did some things
which could break the service.

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