Excerpts from Robert Haas's message of sáb ago 25 00:10:57 -0400 2012:

> > It looks sane to me in a quick once-over (bearing in mind I can't test
> > it).  What's bothering you about the ereport calls?
> Well, 9.1 currently has:
> errmsg_internal("failed to enumerate network events: %i", (int) 
> GetLastError()))
> Prior to your patch, master had:
> errmsg_internal("failed to enumerate network events: error code %lu",
> GetLastError())
> And you changed it to:
> elog(ERROR, "failed to enumerate network events: error code %u",
> WSAGetLastError())
> So obviously there's a conflict there.  In the previously-posted
> version, I chose to just take your version, but I'm not sure whether
> it would be better -- in the back branches -- to simply replace
> GetLastError() with WSAGetLastError() and leave it alone otherwise.

Note that for translations none of this matters, because
errmsg_internal() does not mark its argument for translation, and
neither does elog().

The change of %i to "error code %lu" was done recently (during 9.2 devel
cycle) to make all error messages involving GetLastError() consistent;
see commit 1af55e275.

Álvaro Herrera                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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