On 12.10.2013 11:15, Zhang, Hongwei wrote:
> Dear sir,
> We are trying to port the PostGreSQL on the m68K platform, we’ve
> compiled it well, but failed to run it on the 54450 platform. I am
> wondering who we could refer to for help? Is there any commercial
> service that we could use for that kind of technical support?
> I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks in advance.
> PS: I got the information on below page 
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/supported-platforms.html


I'm not sure what "54450 platform" is, but if you think you found a bug
on a supported platform then please submit a bug report here with as
much detail as possible. What does "failed" mean, description of the
hawdware etc.

If you're porting PostgreSQL to a new platform (albeit similar to m68k)
then there are probably more suitable lists - for example pgsql-hackers.
Again, post as much info as possible.

All mailing lists on postgresql.org (incl. pgsql-bugs, pgsql-hackers)
are operated by community, with participants from various companies. If
you decide you need a commercial support, the best place to start is
probably http://www.postgresql.org/support/professional_support/


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