2018-03-16 2:17 GMT-03:00 Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
> Euler Taveira <eu...@timbira.com.br> writes:
>> 2018-03-15 7:18 GMT-03:00 PG Doc comments form <nore...@postgresql.org>:
>>> The SYNOPSIS section of the "SELECT" SQL command contains the line
>>> [ { UNION | INTERSECT | EXCEPT } [ ALL | DISTINCT ] select ]
>>> (with a boldface "select"), but it is not clear what is meant by that
>>> "select".
>> It is a bug in the synopsis. UNION et al cannot contain some elements
>> (such as ORDER BY) that is allowed for a sub-select. The attached
>> patch replace "select" with the correct element ("select_statement").
> Well, "select_statement" isn't defined in the synopsis either.
> We do define it implicitly in the UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT subsections,
> but is that enough?
Is it worth inflate the synopsis with each element that appears in it?
"join_type" and "window_definition" are not defined in the synopsis

> I think the parenthetical remark in the "UNION Clause" section is a bit
> shaky too:
>     (ORDER BY and LIMIT can be attached to a subexpression if it is
>     enclosed in parentheses. Without parentheses, these clauses will be
>     taken to apply to the result of the UNION, not to its right-hand input
>     expression.)
Yup. It does not inform that the ORDER BY should be at the end of the UNION.

> Also, whether or not that wording is right, it's not duplicated in the
> INTERSECT or EXCEPT headings, where logically it ought to appear too.
> We could duplicate it there maybe, but I'm starting to feel like this is
> just doubling down on a bad documentation design.
I don't see it as a problem since that part will not (never | rarely) change.

> The long and short of it is that UNION et al were wedged into the initial
> synopsis in a way that's at best misleading and at worst a lie.  But
> I'm not sure how to make that better without also making it a lot more
> confusing.  A pedantically correct syntax synopsis would look something
> like
The problem with adding "select_statement" to the synopsis is that it
is not self-explainable...

> and that's still not right because ORDER BY et al can't be attached to a
> select_stmt that's the argument of a set operation, so really we'd need
> a couple of levels of nonterminals before we get down to the basic
> "SELECT expression FROM ..." part.  Nor has the use of parentheses been
> mentioned yet.
... I mean it is really difficult to present this part in a synopsis.
I tend to agree that avoid defining some elements was a clever
decision (because we have the opportunity to explain it in detail a
few paragraphs below). Although, I don't see the "window_definition"
in the synopsis I can explore its syntax a few lines above. IMO if
users have a hard time finding the "select_statement" element, maybe
we can add a link to each of those elements that have additional
syntax and does not appear in the synopsis.

> So, surely there's room for improvement here, but I'm not certain what
> it'd look like.  Maybe we should split out the discussion of set-operation
> syntax altogether?  How exactly?
It seems a radical change. I wouldn't certainly suggest unless chapter
and/or section is a complete mess. I don't think it is the case. If a
few more users also complain about the set-operators confusion, we
should improve tutorial and add a few use-cases for it.

   Euler Taveira                                   Timbira -
   PostgreSQL: Consultoria, Desenvolvimento, Suporte 24x7 e Treinamento

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