The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:


On the page ->
My first two items are in reference to the paragraph below: 
If you wish to build a 64-bit version, you must use the 64-bit version of
the command, and vice versa. In the Microsoft Windows SDK, start the CMD
shell listed under the SDK on the Start Menu. In recent SDK versions you can
change the targeted CPU architecture, build type, and target OS by using the
setenv command, e.g. setenv /x86 /release /xp to target Windows XP or later
with a 32-bit release build. See /? for other options to setenv.

1) It is unclear what CMD shell to launch. For me it is called either "x86
Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017" or "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt
for VS 2017". This is different than the "Developer Command Prompt for VS
2017" (Which wouldn't build for the correct architecture, there's a note on
MSDN documentation about not using env variables to specify the target
platform anymore)
2) It is unclear what setenv is and how to get it (I think I found it, but
it is quite old, and unnecessary).
3) The following line should be bold or larger than the text around it. ->
"The following additional products are not required to get started, but are
required to build the complete package. Use the file to specify
which directories the libraries are available in."

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