It’s easy to guess values for, say, countries in Europe:


create function to_char_demo()
  returns table(z text)
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  -- Counted from midnight 1-Jan-1970 UTC.
  secs   constant double precision not null := 94996756799.456789;
  t      constant timestamp        not null := to_timestamp(-secs) at time zone 
  fmt_1  constant text             not null := 'TMDay / TMMonth';
  fmt_2  constant text             not null := 'TMDy dd-TMMon-yyyy BC';
  set lc_time = 'en_US';
  z := to_char(t, fmt_1);           return next;
  z := to_char(t, fmt_2);           return next;
  z := '';                          return next;

  set lc_time = 'it_IT';
  z := to_char(t, fmt_1);           return next;
  z := to_char(t, fmt_2);           return next;
  z := '';                          return next;

  set lc_time = 'fi_FI';
  z := to_char(t, fmt_1);           return next;
  z := to_char(t, fmt_2);           return next;

select z from to_char_demo();

…brings this result:

 Monday / September
 Mon 03-Sep-1042 12:00:00.543216 BC
 Lunedì / Settembre
 Lun 03-Set-1042 12:00:00.543216 BC
 Maanantai / Syyskuu
 Ma 03-Syy-1042 12:00:00.543216 BC

But what do I use for, say, Simplified Chinese? Nothing that I guess works. 
And, unlike is the case with “set IntervalStyle”, a bad value doesn’t bring a 
hint (or a doc ref) that gives the LoV.

The obvious search (LC_TIME in the search box of the PG doc for the current 
version) gets no useful hits. Nor does this:

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