PostgreSQL: Documentation: 10: 51.51. pg_statistic_ext

> stxkind : An array containing codes for the enabled statistics kinds;
> valid values are: d for n-distinct statistics, f for functional
> dependency statistics

select distinct stxkind from pg_statistic_ext ;

> ---------
>  {d}
>  {m}
>  {f}
>  {e}
> (4 rows)

 I guess *e *for expression statistics. Since I create the following
statistics object.

create statistics flight_expr1 on(
    (month from scheduled_departure at time zone 'Asia/Kolkata')
    ) from flights;

select stxkind from pg_statistic_ext where stxname =  'flight_expr';

and it return *e.*
But I am not sure what does *m *mean?

It would be better to full explain all these four elements in the doc.

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