On Wed, 2022-05-11 at 00:33 +0000, PG Doc comments form wrote:
> The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:
> Page: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/transaction-iso.html
> Description:
> in this page: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/transaction-iso.html
> under the Table 13.1 section, if we search for "phantom reads. Stricter
> behavior is permitted by the SQL standard", do we mean "Looser behaviour"?

What is meant is "The SQL standard allows an implementation to implement
stricter behavior than required by the standard; it only defines the things
that are *not* allowed to happen at a certain isolation level.  So it is for
example fine for PostgreSQL not to allow dirty reads in READ UNCOMMITTED
isolation level."

Perhaps this could be rewritten to be clearer; it is indeed easy to
misunderstand that sentence.

Laurenz Albe

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