On Wed, 2022-11-02 at 19:29 +0000, David Burns wrote:
> To Whom It May Concern;

It concerns me, because I often see questions from people who misunderstand 

> Some additional clarity in the versions 14/15 documentation would be helpful 
> specifically
> surrounding the "target_role" clause for the ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES command.
> To the uninitiated, the current description seems vague.  Maybe something 
> like the following would help:
> target_role
>        The name of an existing role of which the current role is a member.
>        Default privileges are only applied to objects created by the targeted 
> role/user (FOR ROLE target_role).
>        If the FOR ROLE clause is omitted, the targeted user defaults to the 
> current user executing the


I like the wording, except that I would replace "targeted role/user (FOR ROLE 
target_role)" with
"target role" for added clarity.

>   The result can be seen using the following query:
> select   table_catalog as database
>          ,table_schema
>          ,table_name
>          ,privilege_type
>          ,grantee
>          ,'revoke '||privilege_type||' on '||table_schema||'.'||table_name||' 
> from '||grantee||';' as revoke_stmt
> from     information_schema.table_privileges
> where    table_schema = 'my_schema'
> and      table_name = 'my_table'
> order by 1,2,3,5,4;

I am not so happy with that query; I thinks that is going too far.
Perhaps we can say that the "psql" command "\ddp" can be used to view default 

> Also, additional explanation about the differences between global defaults 
> versus
> schema-level defaults, and how to identify them, would be helpful.

The examples already cover that in some detail.

> Additional explanation about exactly what is happening would help to put this 
> command into perspective.
> On successful execution with the correct parameter values, and using both the 
> FOR ROLE and
> IN SCHEMA clauses, I also received privilege grants directed to the user 
> executing the
> ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES command.  This was in addition to the expected 
> privileges specified in the command.
> I'm not sure why this occurred or how to eliminate it, in the interest of 
> establishing "least privilege" permissions.

ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES does nothing like that...

Laurenz Albe

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