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Expone que cuando se altera el tamaño de una columna varchar  INDEXADA
internamente se recrear el índice asociado.... Ojo solo estamos cambiando
el tamaño... Que opinan?

Adjunto el comentario

Postgres Diaries #5 Does Postgres acquire Access Exclusive Lock when
changing the length of a VARCHAR Column? No. It does not take ACCESS
EXCLUSIVE lock on the table as it does not rewrite the entire table (unlike
changing the datatype of a column or adding new column, etc), but it does
try to rebuild/rewrite any index on the column which we are changing (and
this may increase the time it takes to run the alter). Example- Say there
is a table TEST (id1 integer, id2 varchar(64)). We want to increase id2
from varchar(64) to varchar(128) and there is an index "idx_test_id2" on
id2. The steps to increase VARCHAR length in the fastest possible way with
no production database impact are:- 1. set lock_timeout='5s'; 2. drop index
idx_test_id2; 3. set lock_timeout='5s'; 4. ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN
id2 TYPE varchar(128); 5. set maintenance_work_mem='<high value>'; 6.
create index concurrently idx_test_id2 on test(id2);

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