On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 1:09 AM, Alexander Farber <
alexander.far...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good morning, there are these 2 records in a table:
> # select m.played, m.mid, m.action, m.gid, m.uid from words_moves m where
> gid=10;
>             played             | mid | action | gid | uid
> -------------------------------+-----+--------+-----+-----
>  2018-02-19 14:42:08.46222+01  |  12 | play   |  10 |   9
>  2018-02-20 15:06:01.430634+01 | 216 | expire |  10 |  11
> (2 rows)
> I try to get the record with the latest timestamp by adding a NOT EXISTS
> condition -
> # select m.played, m.mid, m.action, m.gid, m.uid from words_moves m where
> gid=10 and not exists (select 1 from words_moves x where m.mid=x.mid AND
> x.played > m.played);
>             played             | mid | action | gid | uid
> -------------------------------+-----+--------+-----+-----
>  2018-02-19 14:42:08.46222+01  |  12 | play   |  10 |   9
>  2018-02-20 15:06:01.430634+01 | 216 | expire |  10 |  11
> (2 rows)
> Why are still 2 records returned? I am probably overlooking something
> simple, sorry...
> Thank you
> Alex
In your example, you have different values for mid.  I'm thinking you meant

select m.played, m.mid, m.action, m.gid, m.uid from words_moves m where
gid=10 and not exists (select 1 from words_moves x where *m.gid=x.gid* AND
x.played > m.played);

On a related note for the list, I know of at least two other ways to do
this.  Are any of them better and worse?

SELECT DISTINCT ON (gid) [fields] FROM words_moves m WHERE gid=10 ORDER BY
gid,played DESC
SELECT [fields] FROM words_moves m WHERE gid=10 ORDER BY played DESC limit


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