Hi.  Thanks so much for your assistance.  This is definitely getting the
results I was looking for.  It is still syntacticallly more cumbersome than
I might have hoped, but I can work with it.  So I've got two follow

1)  I can see there are many, more complex, options for aggregates, which I
am trying to wrap my mind around.  I'm wondering if any of these (esp.
partial aggregates/combine functions, final functions or moving aggregates)
could be used to streamline this into a single function call, or if that is
barking up a dead tree.

2)  I'm sure at this point I must be being dense, but after re-reading docs
multiple times, I am still confused about one piece of this:

> first window (within lower() func) extends its initial (earliest) range
> > to right for every next row continuous with current range (and jumps to
> > new start on discontinuity), thus over(order by d ASC)
> > second window (within upper() func) extends its initial (latest) range
> > to left for every next row continuous with current range (and jumps to
> > new end on discontinuity), thus over(order by d DESC)
> > partition by client_id within each over() is to not mix client_ids'
> > dateranges
> >
> which is what is it exactly that is triggering Postgresql to know there is
a discontinuity and to start with a new range?  And is it based on the
input or the output values?  Based on PARTITION BY client_id ORDER BY d, I
might have thought it was d.  But that doesn't seem to be right.  So is it
something about what agg_daterange is returning, and if so what?  Again,
sorry for being dense about this one.



AGENCY Software
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