Another possible, but inconvenient workaround - constructing the right string before execution:

postgres=# \set var 'Hello, World!'
postgres=# \set cmd '$$begin raise notice ''%'', ' :'var' '; end;$$;'
postgres=# do :cmd;
NOTICE:  Hello, World!

Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company

On 05.03.2018 17:02, Pavel Luzanov wrote:
On 05.03.2018 16:56, Pavel Stehule wrote:

        I can't use psql variable in the DO command. Is it
        intentional behavior?

    yes. psql variables living on client side, and are not
    accessible from server side . DO command is executed on server side.

    But SELECT command also executed on a server side ))
    I thought that the command is sent to the server after variable's

The psql variables are injected into SQL string before execution (before SQL string is sent to server). But this injection is disabled inside strings - and body of DO command is passed as string.
Yes, now I understand this. But at first glance this is not an obvious behavior.

Pavel Luzanov
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company

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