Hi Gunnar,

On Mon, 2018-03-05 at 12:27 +0100, Gunnar Halvorsen wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> As quite new in this discussiongroup I have red a lot about
> statement_timeout, but I can't find any answer on the following
> problem:
>  My JavaEE-code responds the fpllowing Error message:
>  Method
> org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4PreparedStatement.setQueryTimeout(int) is
> not yet implemented
> Javacode:
> PreparedStatement AA = null;
> ..
> ..
> AA.setQueryTimeout( 5000 );  // This sentence generates the fault-
> message
> PostgreSQL version: 9.1.24
> ( Only READ-access )
> JDBC4 version:               postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc4.jar
> My application reads contiously a SELECT-sentence every 10 seconds,
> and needs to be aborted if it not returns in during of 5 seconds.
> Is the functiion setQueryTimeout(INT) not yet implemented in JDBC4,
> or is it the PostgreSQK-server which is not yet implemented?
> How shall I implement statement_timeout in my JavaEE code, when I
> only has Read-access to PostgreSQL, to avoid this ErrorMessage?
> Regards
> -Gunnar

There was a fix to this in Version 9.4-1205 of the driver.
Also, your version of PostgreSql is ancient.

I think an upgrade would be worthwhile.


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