On 03/27/2018 04:23 AM, Steve Rogerson wrote:
I am trying to add/change a constraint programmatically, but not if it
already exists, and is the same as before.
Is there a way of getting the "normalised" version of constraint so decide if
I need to update the constraint if one already exists?

Hi Steve,

I wrote a Ruby gem to do this some years ago. Here is the SQL I used:

          SELECT  c.conname,
                  pg_get_expr(c.conbin, c.conrelid)
          FROM    pg_catalog.pg_constraint c,
                  pg_catalog.pg_class t,
                  pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
          WHERE   c.contype = 'c'
          AND     c.conrelid = t.oid
          AND     t.relkind = 'r'
          AND     n.oid = t.relnamespace
          AND     n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'pg_toast')
          AND     pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(t.oid)


I haven't used it against the last few Postgres versions, but it probably still works or needs only minor adjustments.

Paul              ~{:-)

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