Christophe Pettus <> writes:
>> On Apr 9, 2018, at 07:33, Thomas Poty <> wrote:
>> ok, and long  answer ? is it random?

> It's not literally random, but from the application point of view, it's not 
> predictable.  For example, it's not always the one that opened first, or any 
> other consistent measure.

It's whichever one runs the deadlock detector first after the circular
wait becomes established.  For instance:

* Process A takes lock L1

* Process B takes lock L2

* Process A tries to take lock L2, blocks

* Process B tries to take lock L1, blocks (now a deadlock exists)

Process A will run the deadlock detector one deadlock_timeout after
blocking.  If that happens before B has blocked, then A will see
no deadlock and will go back to waiting.  In that case, when B's
own deadlock_timeout expires and it runs the deadlock detector,
it will see the deadlock and fix it by canceling its own wait.
On the other hand, if B started to wait less than one deadlock_timeout
after A did, then A will be first to observe the deadlock and it will
cancel itself, not B.

So you can't predict it unless you have a lot of knowledge about
the timing of events.  You could probably make it more predictable
by making deadlock_timeout either very short or very long, but
neither of those are desirable things to do.

                        regards, tom lane

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