Thanks Ron, I was trying to find that -- memory had it down as "Persona"
and I could not find that, haha.

On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 8:39 PM Ron <> wrote:

> Also, Percona (a MySQL fork) 5.7.
> On 04/20/2018 07:31 PM, Ozz Nixon wrote:
> PS. the following database servers do offer internal encryption on a
> page/block oriented read/write (for encrypted data at rest security
> requirements)
> PremierSQL TDE
> MariaDB 10.1.3+
> *MySQL* 5.7.11+
> Microsoft uses TDE
> Oracle AdvSec uses TDE
> DB2 v7.2 UDB
> MangoDB uses AES-256
> PostgreSQL does - but the key is public (dumb)
> Just because you do not see the reason for it, does not make the reason a
> bad idea.
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 8:19 PM Ozz Nixon <> wrote:
>> Well, actually since 2003, this has been a standard requirement from the
>> Credit Card industry. And it does make sense in the field of "while at
>> rest" the data still cannot be accessed.
>> Requirement 1. No NPI data should be displayed without controls - e.g.
>> reports, PDF, etc.
>> Requirement 2. Same data, must be secured during transmission - fetching
>> to client screen etc.
>> Requirement 3. NPI data should not be logged nor stored on a physical
>> device in non-encrypted mode.
>> There are more steps to this, but, to chalk it off as another half-assed
>> required is typical. Hashing is a useful one-way technique, however,
>> trapping the hash made using a hash useless! When I worked for the credit
>> bureaus we ran encrypted drive arrays, DB/2 encrypted, SSL/TLS encryption
>> over P2P VPN connections, and masked output fields when the data would go
>> to reports or screens to PCs outside our control.
>> Anyone with Linux and use LUKS encryption on an LVM partition to achieve
>> security where the database may not, or logs or something may exist where
>> NPI might be see. Oh yeah, NPI (Non-Pubic Information, like your social,
>> you bank account, you paycheck information, etc. things that should not
>> exist outside of controls)...
>> PS. You cannot simply take a drive from one machine to another, when
>> doing proper RAID and LUKS encryption.
>> Ozz
>> 15 years experience with federal data security requirements.
>> On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 7:55 PM Tim Cross <> wrote:
>>> Vikas Sharma <> writes:
>>> > Hello Guys,
>>> >
>>> > Could someone throw light on the postgresql instance wide or database
>>> wide
>>> > encryption please? Is this possible in postgresql and been in use in
>>> > production?.
>>> >
>>> > This is a requirement in our production implementation.
>>> >
>>> This sounds like a lazy management requirement specified for 'security'
>>> purposes by people with little understanding of either technology or
>>> security. I suspect it comes form a conversation that went along the
>>> lines of ....
>>> "There has been lots in the news about cyber threats"
>>> "Yes, we need our system to be secure"
>>> "I know, lets make one of the requirements that everything must be
>>> encrypted, that will stop them"
>>> "Great idea, I'll add it as requirement 14".
>>> This is a very poor requirement because it is not adequately specified,
>>> but more critically, because it is specifying a 'solution' rather than
>>> articulating the requirement in a way which would allow those with the
>>> necessary expertise to derive an appropriate solution - one which may or
>>> may not involve encryption or hashing of data and which may or may not
>>> be at the database level.
>>> What you really need to do is go back to your stakeholders and ask them
>>> a lot of questions to extract what the real requirement is. Try to find
>>> out what risk they are trying to mitigate with encryption. Once this is
>>> understood, then look at what the technology can do and work out the
>>> design/implementation from there.
>>> It is extremely unlikely you just want all the data in the database
>>> encrypted. When you think about it, such an approach really doesn't make
>>> sense. In basic terms, if the data is encrypted, the database engine
>>> will need to be able to decrypt it in order to operate (consider how a
>>> where clause needs to be able to interpret actions etc). If the db can
>>> read the data, the keys must be in the database. If the keys are in the
>>> database and your database is compromised, then your keys are
>>> compromised. So provided you protect your database from compromise, you
>>> achieve the same level of security as you do with full data encryption
>>> EXCEPT for access to the underlying data files outside of the database
>>> system. For this, you will tend to use some sort of file system
>>> encryption, which is typically managed at the operating system
>>> level. Again, for the operating system to be able to read the file
>>> system, the OS must have access to the decryption keys, so if your OS is
>>> compromised, then that level of protection is lost as well (well, that
>>> is over simplified, but you get the idea). What this level of protection
>>> does give you is data at rest protection - if someone is able to access
>>> hour disks through some other means, they cannot read the data. This is
>>> the same principal most people should be using with their
>>> laptops. Protect the OS with a password and have the data on disk
>>> encrypted. Provided nobody can login to your laptop, they cannot read
>>> your data. Without this encryption, you can just take the disk out of
>>> the laptop, mount it on another system and you have full access. With
>>> disk encryption, you cannot do that. Same basic principal with the
>>> server.
>>> At the database level, a more typical approach is to use one way hashing
>>> for some sensitive data (i.e. passwords) and possibly column level
>>> encryption on a specific column (much rarer) or just well structured
>>> security policies and user roles that restrict who has access to various
>>> tables/columns. To implement this successfully, you need details
>>> regarding the domain, sensitivity of various data elements and the
>>> threats you need to protect against. If you cannot get this information
>>> because your stakeholders don't really know what their risks are and
>>> have not done a proper assessment and what you are really dealing with
>>> is bureaucracy which just as a dumb "data must be encrypted" policy,
>>> just use full disk encryption and state that all data is encrypted on
>>> disk" and your done.
>>> Tim
>>> --
>>> Tim Cross
> --
> Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

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