Hello Adrian,


I just tried your suggestion and it generates the same error.  For
verification, here is the function run in the debugger.


create or replace function TestLtreeV2( MyArg text ) returns void

as $$


     _testVar integer;


SELECT 1 INTO _testvar FROM TableLtree WHERE MyPath = text2ltree( MyArg )

raise notice '_testVar = %', _testVar;


$$ language plpgsql;








-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Klaver [mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com] 
Sent: 26 April, 2018 17:23
To: i...@ianbellsoftware.com <mailto:i...@ianbellsoftware.com> ;
Subject: Re: PGAdmin4 debugger - unable to call ltree functions


On 04/26/2018 01:22 PM, Ian Bell wrote:

> I have recently started working with the PGAdmin4 debugger and have 

> encountered a particular problem when testing my own functions that, 

> in turn, call functions from the ltree module.   The sample code below 

> successfully runs in  PSQL.  However, it fails when run in the 

> PGAdmin4 debugger.   Specifically, the debugger generates the 

> following error message when it executes the first call to '*text2ltree*':


> ERROR: syntax error at position 0


> CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT exists ( select 1 from TableLtree where 

> MyPath = text2ltree( MyArg ) )"


> PL/pgSQL function testltree(text) line 5 at IF


> I have successfully been able to use the debugger to walk through many 

> of my test functions providing they only use standard SQL variables.   

> However, I am unable to debug code that calls the ltree functions.


Are they all using the 'IF exists ..' construct?


What if you try a very simple function, something like(not tested):


create or replace function TestLtree2(MyArg text)


returns void


as $$




      _testvar integer;




     SELECT 1 INTO _testvar FROM TableLtree WHERE MyPath = text2ltree( MyArg
) LIMIT 1;




$$ language plpgsql;




> Is this a problem/bug with the debugger or am I doing something wrong?  

> If I am doing something wrong then can you tell me what it is?


> Thank you,


> Ian


> *_Sample Code in a SQL file:_*


> create extension if not exists ltree;


> create extension if not exists pldbgapi;


> create table if not exists TableLtree(


>       ID int


>            primary key generated by default as identity,


>       MyPath ltree


> );


> create or replace function TestLtree(


>       MyArg text


> )


> returns void


> as $$


> declare


>       status boolean;


> begin


>       if exists ( select 1 from TableLtree where MyPath = text2ltree( 

> MyArg ) ) then


>             status := true;


>       else


>             status := false;


>       end if;


>       if status = false then


>             insert into TableLtree( MyPath ) values ( text2ltree( 

> MyArg ) );


>       end if;


> end;


> $$ language plpgsql;


> select * from TestLtree( 'a.b.c' );





Adrian Klaver

 <mailto:adrian.kla...@aklaver.com> adrian.kla...@aklaver.com

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