On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 6:44 AM, John McKown <john.archie.mck...@gmail.com>

> Again, this is just a discussion point. And I'm quite willing to admit
> defeat if most people don't think that it is worth the effort.

​-1, at least per the example.  I would not want "-U postgres" inside the
file.  I tend to rely on service entries, not environment variables, and
wouldn't want to hard-code them either.  While psql has grown more
flow-control capabilities recently it is, in most cases, a support language
for me, not a main entry point.  Shell scripts merge the per-instance
run-time environment I need with the behavior the script provides - merging
that I find I need more often than not and don't miss the added overhead in
the few cases where it is unnecessary.

David J.

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